Thursday, March 7, 2013


First, before I talk too much about my hair, I want to thank everyone who prayed for my little friend with ITP. He had another treatment a couple weeks ago, with a little prednisone to help out. One day I saw him curled up on the couch, the next day he was running around the house. What a difference a few steroids make! He’s not out of the woods yet, but there’s a plan and I think everyone is feeling better.

My hair is actually visible now! I feel like I can go out into the big world without anything on my head and maybe not look like a cancer survivor. Maybe, but probably not yet. One of my teens said it feels like a puppy– it’s soft, new baby hair, and it’s OK if you want to touch it.

I’ve un-retired my shampoo and conditioner, and I dug out some gel. But I dropped the gel on the floor and the bottle broke open – oh well. It wasn’t the right product anyway. Then I tried a styling paste and Mike got in on the action. He didn’t think I was using enough, but then I ended up with too much and my hair looked old and spiky and felt like it had a coating of wet glue. For now, I’ve put the styling products away and am sporting the “Frankenstein” look: all combed forward. :)

I’ve been taking pictures weekly but not posting them. I could blame surgery and recovery, but really it’s been a little about laziness and lots about lack of inspiration and taking a break from the computer.

So, catching up…

February 22, 2013
I’m wearing my “blanket sweater” to combat the cold, rainy, windy day here, and you can see my white surgical bra peeking out – sexy, right? I’m a little concerned about the reckless abandon with which I present myself these days, but, hey, it was only a week since surgery, and I braved the world with a flat chest and drains (which make my stomach look oddly bumpy… kinda like I have a hamster in each pocket).

Match 1, 2013

I had a video chat with both of my older nieces (and my siblings) this week. The girls are toddlers, so we sing silly songs, I parade a stuffed animal or two across the screen, and have oft-interrupted grown-up conversations with their parents. But what the girls are most interested in seeing is Rayna. Aka “woof” or “doggie.” So I thought she should participate in my weekly hair photo.

And today: the standard shot and a glimpse of how I normally look at home when I’m not experiencing a “warm flush” (I can’t really call them hot flashes because they’re not that dramatic – nothing a hat removal and a sweatshirt-shedding won’t fix).

Happy weekend to all of you. Enjoy your hair!


  1. You look great! What are you drinking out of that starbucks cup? I thought you didn't drink coffee??:)

  2. Love your writing Lynne and the pictures! Thank you for keeping in touch with us!
