Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Another Rusty Star...

Has it been a month already?! Here I am, going for that rusty star again, one post to avoid having a zero on my monthly blog post list.

First, no hair shots this month! I have some, but I'm on my new iPad, and don't have the energy to figure out how to do it. It should be simple - I just took a photo with the iPad a couple days ago, but "iPad photos" isn't an upload option. So - I'll double up next time.

And my thoughts today aren't even my own! What can I say: I'm tired after a long day (swimsuit shopping after a doctor's appointment downtown).

BUT they're really great thoughts. Last week I was at camp with my 11th grade girls from church. Excellent week in spite of painful recovery from radiation. Church camp always produces a spiritual high, which is great, but we usually don't prepare the kids very well to go home and maintain their commitment. This year our speaker, Adrian Depres, gave a looong list of practical ideas! Hip, hip, hooray!!! So that's what I'm going to share with you - for yourself or to share with others. Pass it on, baby.

After the message, I had my girls choose two items from each category that they would do when they got home. So this isn't an overwhelming, do-it-all list, just suggestions to weave spiritual growth into your life.

1) Bible Study
a) Treat your Bible like the love letter it is: with urgency and anticipation
b) Use all 5 senses when you read - imagine yourself there, in the scene
c) Write in your Bible - underline what resonates, star what has special meaning, question mark wherever you have questions (and then go ask someone)
d) Remember your Bible is living and active - a protection against Satan's attacks
e) Get an audio version of the Bible and listen to it (YouVersion has a free app! I like it a lot.)
f) Read it everyday: start in Genesis and Matthew - 3 Old Testament and 1 New Testament chapters per day will get you through the Bible in a year!
g) Memorize!
h) Take your Bible to school/work, and get it out once a day to read 1 paragraph.

2) Praise/Worship
a) Place rocks where you will see them. They are a reminder that God says the rocks will cry out if we don't praise God.
b) "7X" Write this on index cards and place them where you will see them. Each time you see them, praise God for something.
c) Listen to Christian music (side note: other music isn't banned, but be aware of how it affects your attitude and contentment level).
d) Download sermons and listen to them.

3) Prayer
a) Remember this is Satan's first target in our lives: communication is always the first target in a war.
b) Prayer cups (this is my favorite - I'm going to use my insulated Starbucks' cups): write people's names on cups and pray for them when you use those cups.
c) "PBIP" = phone beeps, I pray; you can set several alarms, too.
d) Sirens: pray when you hear 'em, someone undoubtedly needs extra help!
e) Shoes, hats, scarves: see prayer cups: write names on these items and pray for those people when you wear them.
f) Place people's business cards in your Bible and pray for them when you come across them - or when they fall out (I don't know about this one, personally, falling cards might produce frustration rather than prayer...).
g) Prayer teams at work or school: three people, same gender
h) Write a prayer on Post-It's and place in trouble spots so you're reminded to pray when - or before - you encounter trouble (in the car, anyone?)
i) "Empty wagons rattle" - sometimes, go before God with an empty wagon (without any requests)

There you have it! Hopefully a nugget or two will work for you!

1 comment:

  1. Some good ideas, Lynne, thank you!! Don't need those reminders to pray for you though. Love you!
