Monday, June 16, 2014

Red Sea Rule #6

Red Sea Rule #6: When unsure, just take the next logical step by faith.

And this was on my Facebook feed today:

Kinda ties together yesterday's rule and today's, doesn't it?

I also have a magnet on my fridge that says "Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith," which is another way to express this rule.

The jist of this rule is not to be tripped up by the big picture. You may not see the way out of your current difficulty, but you probably know what to do right now. God sees the big picture even when we can't, and I've found there's great freedom in letting Him take over and just focusing on today's needs.

The sub-titles for this rule are:
Day by day.
Step by step.
Moment by moment. 

The author gives an example of a woman who escaped a dangerous situation in one country by crossing the border into another country. Where she didn't have any contacts or even know the language. She had no idea how to get home, so she started with the basics: first finding food and shelter and then finding a way to reach people she knew. It took months to figure out how to get home, but she got there because she started taking action in smaller ways.

Years ago, my husband and I went through a long, dark period. I was determined we would make it through, but couldn't see how, especially on those days when I wished the floor would just swallow me up and take me out of the difficulties we were having. I can't say exactly how we got through, but we resolved to stay, to love, to fight fair as often as possible, to pray, and somehow, slowly but surely (step by step!) we found a way to enjoy each other again.

Of course, cancer - or any illness - is a day by day thing, too. Especially when you're not feeling well. One day or one moment at a time, and eventually you get through treatment. And the side effects heal. And all of a sudden, you notice that whatever gave you so much grief is gone.

I think this rule addresses uncertainty really well. And empowers us to take action. We might not be able to figure out the whole plan and see the ultimate solution, but we can take a step in the right direction. After all, a marathon is just a series of single steps, some harder and some easier, but you can only take one at a time.

And isn't that easier when you're in a difficult situation? You don't have to conquer the entire thing at once. Just tackle the moment in front of you. You know:

Just do it. 

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