Friday, August 4, 2017

Prayer Request

Will you pray for me to have sufficient energy for the next few days?

My sister Jennifer and her family are in town, and I want to spend as much fun time with them as possible, but I am seriously lacking energy. For example, after my shower this morning (in which I spent a lot of time scrubbing my hair that hadn't been washed since I went into the hospital for surgery - yuck!), I barely had the energy to wrap up in my robe and get back to bed.

Part - most - of this is because I haven't really eaten much solid food in the last three weeks. I also think that stent in my ureter has messed with my appetite and ability to keep things down. Good news is that I should get clearance on Tuesday to have it removed. Surgery and the complication of my bowels shutting down (ileus) just made things worse. I'm sure "sleeping" in the hospital for 11 days didn't help either.

It's been a long month and things just don't seem right. The docs call for patience, but it feels more like discouraged endurance. It's good to be home from the hospital, but I'm looking forward to healing and feeling like I should.

Thank you for your prayers!

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