Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Guest blogger

Hi all, it's Bethany here - Lynne's sister and guest blogger. Lynne's a bit tired so I'm posting for her.  Here's an update on her health. Couple weeks ago she wasn't breathing well so she went to the hospital ... turns out the tumor had grown and was pressing on her kidney, which impacted her oxygen levels. Then she got a nasty infection. After nearly two weeks she's back home and on antibiotics and a weekly chemo regimen. In other news, she's getting incredibly loving support. She reads every one of your messages so thank you for texts, emails, FB messages, voice mails and cards. Last weekend her parents, sister, brother and their families did the annual ovarian cancer walk in Minneapolis for "team Auntie Lynne."

And Mike is absolutely the best caretaker you could ever hope for - he juggles phone calls, appointments, multiple meds, temperature monitoring and prepping bags of nutrition that reach Lynne via a port in her chest - truly unbelievable. 

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