Sunday, June 11, 2017

CT Scan Monday

First, I’m having a routine CT scan on Monday morning. I’ll meet with my doctors on Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the results and make a plan. So I’ll probably post results on Wednesday evening once we have everything sorted out.

Please pray for this scan! Of course, we’re hoping it will show no cancer, or less cancer than before. Or even the same amount as before. Anything but growth since the last scan. More than that, please pray for our peace of mind. These scans are, honestly, kinda terrifying, and so we do a lot of worrying and a lot of praying. It’s been an emotional year so far, and it would be really nice to have some good news now.

Overall, I’m feeling pretty good. I’m learning to pace myself. I feel like most of the effects from the other, harder medications have worked their way out of my system, and I’m finally feeling like I thought I would when we cut out everything except the Avastin. Which is pretty fantastic compared to how I’ve felt since last fall. 

Some days, like today, I get up and my body just says, “NOPE. I got nothing for you.” Sometimes I have to push through, but today I skipped church and did a lot of nothing all morning. Thankfully, that earned me renewed energy for the rest of the day. Good thing, because I had my "student life group" over this evening and I had a lot to do to get ready for them. A wonderful friend came and vacuumed for me, Mike mowed, and I washed and walked the dogs. And made guacamole with cilantro from my little container garden! (I feel so earthy!)

One of my highlights since the last time I posted involved s’mores. It happened like this…

There are a few families who have been part of my central support throughout my cancer treatment. They are part of my “Life Group” from church (it’s a big church, so they encourage small groups as a way to build community and not get lost in the sea of people). Three of the families had kids in elementary school when I was initially diagnosed, and those kids have prayed for me pretty much every night since then. Now the kids are in middle school and high school. I’m close to some of them, but the middle school boys… often it’s a little awkward to make eye contact, much less conversation, you know?

Recently, their moms and I had a rare gathering without kids or husbands. I told the moms I wanted to thank the kids, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. How do you say thanks for such an enormous gift? 

One of the moms suggested s’mores at her house, and our plan was hatched.

Of course, two days before our s’mores date, I decided I needed to give them something, but had no idea what, especially on a limited budget. I think a week at Disney would be an equitable thanks for all their prayers, but I can’t even send myself to Disney right now, so that was off the table.

After some casting about, I made these little prayer boxes. I tucked some cards inside: how they can pray for me, how I am praying for them. And I gave them a homemade thank you card, which I thought turned out particularly well!

The card says, "When I pray, You answer me. You encourage me by giving me the strength I need." 
Psalm 138:3

Even the opportunity to talk to the kids happened pretty organically. There was a moment when most of the kids were around the fire, so I kicked the adults out, gave my little thank you speech (including that Disney was my first choice, but alas), and handed out my meager-but-heart-felt gifts. It was short and sweet, and after a brief awkward transition moment, we were roasting s’mores again and laughing about weird things at school.

I told them I don’t think there’s any theology for this, but it seems like the prayers of children would have a special impact on God’s heart, and I’m so grateful for their faithfulness. It encourages my heart abundantly.

That’s it - until Wednesday evening. Thank you for standing with me in this!


  1. We gathered the family to all pray for you tonight. We thanked God for the blessing to so many that you are, for your peace and joy in Jesus, for complete healing, and that we would be mindful of how to be there for you. We all love you, Lynne!

  2. Praying for peace tonight and throughout the day tomorrow. We love you! (I noticed the boxes the kids received have been put in special places in their bedrooms. They meant a lot, even if met with awkward silence esp from the middle school boy!) (((HUGS)))

  3. We love you, Lynne! Remember a few weeks ago when we walked our prayers to the front of the church. You were on my notecard. For healing, for peace. I asked that you have much more time to do Jesus' work here on earth - to be the shining star that you are for Him. That prayer is heartfelt and continues. We love you, Lynne!

  4. Praying for great results for you, love you Lynne!

  5. I'm praying for you sweet Lynne!! You are an incredible blessing for so many. Love you.
