Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Going Back to Ground Zero

Hello, everyone!

Thank you for waiting. I know how hard it is to wait!

My CT scan was not what we’d hoped. Since March 30, the tumor has grown from 5.2cm to 9.3cm (about 3.5”) - close to double in size. So clearly the Avastin was not working.

However, there isn’t any other visible disease. This is REALLY unusual. Almost always, ovarian cancer comes back splattered all over the place. But once again (for the fourth time, actually), we have a single, well-defined tumor.

Which makes me a candidate for surgery! 

We love this option because we know surgery can remove the cancer. Right now, all the other options are in the “try it and see if it works” category, usually with 20-30% chance of keeping the cancer from progressing for a few months. So surgery sounds pretty awesome.

My surgeon says this will likely get me back to “ground zero,” where a CT scan won’t recognize any disease. To me, that translates into buying a lot more time.

There are some risks and complications. The tumor, which is in my left lower pelvis, is pressing on my iliac artery and my left ureter. Plus I’ve had radiation in that area, so the tissue is stiff and harder to work with than normal tissue. However, my surgeon is outstanding and has a team of other specialists on hand, so if anyone can do it well, it’s him. And then I’ll pull out my healing super powers and I believe we’ll have a good result.

Surgery is scheduled for Monday, July 10. (I have to wait at least a month after my last dose of Avastin before any surgery because it slows wound healing.) I’ll be downtown with my high-rise view, room service, and outstanding nursing staff, so if I have to be in the hospital for 3-5 days, this is the place to do it. Please be praying that the tumor maintains clean margins so it’s easy to remove.

After surgery, the tumor will go to the lab for more testing. Based on the testing and on what my surgeon sees during surgery, we’ll decide what to do after that. We expect he’ll see tiny cancer implants that are too small to show up on the CT - but it would be super awesome if he didn’t! Something else to pray about.

Emotionally and spiritually, we are doing well. I’ve been feeling really good for the past few weeks, but Mike said he was expecting bad news because he’s seen me struggle over the past few weeks. So who knows, but while we’re disappointed that the area has grown, we’re really excited that it can be removed. It’s a strange answer to prayer: still growing, but in a way that allows us to pursue an option that’s known to be effective.

In other news...

Last week I met my cousin and her family for brunch. They live about an hour away, but we don't see each other often. Busy lives and all - you know how time can slip away. Now they are moving a couple states away. I'm sad to lose my "local" family, but I am SO excited for their new adventure, and I think God has uniquely prepared them and given them an incredible vision for this venture. 

These are the kind of people you put on your calendar and think, "I am so privileged to get to hang out with THEM!" They love God, they're thoughtful and compassionate and smart and taking action to make this world a better place. 

I mention them because after brunch they gave me this little cross made from olive wood. It's so sweet in it's simplicity and as I keep finding it in my purse, I'm reminded of their love and care for me and God's love and care for each one of us. Maybe especially God's love and care for ME right now as I keep walking along this cancer-paved path.

That’s it for now. My parents arrive tomorrow for a six day visit. I think we’ll keep it pretty mellow at the beach cabin they rented… which sounds like heaven.

Thank you for your prayers and support!! We love you all.


  1. Will be praying. Enjoy your time with your parents as you take some time with your family apart from day to day routines.

  2. Yes, waiting for the results was difficult. But, it kept us praying consistently and fervently. Blessings on a very special week with your mom and dad. They brought Jay a cherry pie from the Rustic Inn last Saturday. It was still warm from the oven...wonder how fast they drove to Shoreview!! LY❤️
