Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Key to Happiness

Another multi-week hiatus from blogging for me. Consistency outside of the workplace isn’t my forte. This time I have a better excuse: almost two weeks enjoying my family! They all live there, I live here, and, honestly, I really, really like them all, so it’s a huge treat to immerse myself in family. Toddlers, babies, sushi, fake eyelashes, Easter – we did a lot while we were there.

My hair, of course, continues to grow. With a little styling wax, I can even get a hairstyle going. Someone said I look like Michelle Williams! Thank you very much! I’m sure it’s just the hair, but I’ll take it. :)

My husband and me on Easter:  
My current 'do!

After I was diagnosed with cancer, several people encouraged me with devotional books. I think my mom sent the first one: “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young, and I love it. It’s written as if Jesus is talking to us directly, which, I admit, sometimes seems a bit presumptuous, but I am usually inspired, encouraged, and/or want to share what I read with someone.

Confession: I keep these devotional books in my bathroom! It can be difficult to find time during the day for Bible study, and I’m all about multi-tasking, so why not take my minute or two in the bathroom for a little infusion of God’s word? Can I go so far as to say, “garbage out, truth in”? Tee hee.

So… SURPRISE! I’m going to share a bit from Jesus Calling with you today. :) Didn’t see that coming, did you? Here it is:

“Before Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, thankfulness was as natural as breathing. Satan’s temptation involved pointing Eve to the one thing that was forbidden her. The garden was filled with luscious, desirable fruits, but Eve focused on the ONE fruit she couldn’t have rather than being thankful for the many things freely available. This negative focus darkened her mind, and she succumbed to temptation.”

Which, by the way, led to dragging Adam into it, and then they tried to hide from an all-seeing God. And what consequences for that one bite! Banishment from paradise; the struggles of work, relationships, and childbirth; and separation from God. And the common anxiety about snakes. All because she took her eyes off the abundance of their blessings and focused on the only off-limit item in the garden. However, the consequences came with a promise of redemption! But that's another topic. If you want to read the Biblical account, it’s in Genesis 3, at the very beginning of the Bible.

Thankfulness shines so greatly in Sarah Young’s reflection. Personally, I’m working on my own list of blessings. I started last January, after reading “1,000 Gifts” and before being diagnosed with cancer. I haven’t been consistent, but it’s a testimony to all the good things in my life. Most importantly, it records a portion of the multitude of good things that happened during cancer.

You know what happened when I wasn’t focused on my blessings and stopped writing in my book? I found myself grumpier and more likely to give in to selfish or depressing thoughts.

It’s a theory I’ve been testing for years, and I can say with certainty that cultivating a thankful heart is central to a contented, or happy, life. Even when life is hard, there is always something to be thankful for. And finding one good thing always opened my eyes to more good things.

After I started my list, Matt Redman came out with a song called “10,000 Reasons” about praising God for everything He’s given us (Listen to it on YouTube: Now I want my list to be 10,000 items long instead of 1,000. I’m only in the 500’s, but I’m planning to live many more years, so I think I can do it. But the “attitude of gratitude” is what I really want to practice, so that thanking God is “as natural as breathing.”

How about you? What are you thankful for? Especially on those rough days?


  1. I'm thankful that you are doing so well, Lynne! And for our family, health, warm & comfortable home, the beauty of God's world - the list could go on! Love you!

  2. Dear Lynne,
    I don't know if you'll find this but it seems a good place to write my thoughts. Today is a rough day... your tests came back and were not the results that we have all prayed for, I know, we prayed for God's will but really, we ALL wanted OUR will... for you to be healthy, happy, whole and HERE. With us. There are no words just now, at least none that seem really appropriate, which is why I'm posting this here... maybe you will find it at the 'right time'.
    I'm just sad, my heart breaks for you and Mike, for the family, for your friends, for me... It's a selfish heart break though. It focuses on OUR loss and not on YOUR gain.
    I know, you probably think I'm being ridiculous... gain? what gain? Does heaven not fall into the 'gain' category? I think that surely it must. You will gain a whole healthy body, numerous family who have gone ahead and most of all you will be in the presence of Jesus... this is so amazing to me!
    I have been thinking about death a lot in the last year, we have another cousin who is going through a similar process. It seems to me that perhaps death is the greatest change that God requires of us, particularly OUR death... after all we will close our eyes on this world and open them on heaven. It's a perfect and complete change, in an instant, in the blink of an eye.
    I believe that God is faithful in all things. I believe that you will not miss us in heaven, you won't have time! :) I believe that it is an amazing thing for God to have called you home NOW... do you think it means that you have accomplished all He had for you to do in this world?! What a cool thought! You have touched all the lives that He meant for you to touch, you have run your race... or will have at that last moment.
    My prayer for you dearest Lynne is that you will 'run your last lap' shining with God's love just as you have run this race so far. You have grown more dear and more beautiful with every passing year. You have family that loves you so! You will leave a legacy of love to be shared and retold... never think that you have not yet made a difference! If that were true then God would not need you to come home.
    With all this being said, I certainly will not stop praying for a miracle as I continue to thank God for you and lift you up in prayer, Prayer that the evil one will not shadow the rest of your time with us, that you will beat him into a corner with your smiles and love and laughter. Reach out to everyone you can, remind them of your love and most importantly of God's love. I have no doubt that you will hear those cherished words, "well done good and faithful one".
    All my love, Laurel
