Friday, November 15, 2013

Random Facts

There's a Facebook "game" going on now. You get a number from a friend and post that many of random facts about yourself. How do you get that number? You "like" your friend's list. 

I probably over-like things on Facebook. It's my way of saying, "I hear you. I appreciate your thought. But I don't have a response that's interesting enough for a comment."

I had fun reading my friend's list. So I forgot the rules/consequences in this case, and hit "like." I was repaid with the number ELEVEN! That's the first time I've seen double digits in this game.

AND THEN another friend played the game and I forgot the rules AGAIN and liked her list. She gave me an 8. Whoa. 11 + 8 = 19 random tidbits. 

While I was doing my pre-reqs for nursing, I was able to take three classes from one of my favorite profs. The only drawback was her universal first assignment: a paper on plaigerism and academic integrity. She was somewhat militant about it. The most interesting thing I learned: using your own work for more than one assignment breaks the rules.

However, since this isn't school, I'm going to make my list of eight things, and then add on three more for a grand TOTAL of eleven. Coming off daily blogging in October, doing more than that seems like an unreasonably excessive dose of me. :)

So here are my eleven little-known tidbits:

1. I hold back my overwhelming enthusiasm about being an aunt. I'd like to show everyone whatever latest adorable photo or video I've received of these little cuties, and plaster the photos everywhere. If it's a video, I watch it six or seven times in a row. And I think you should, too. But I know a baby is just a baby to a stranger, so I try not to be obnoxious.

2. I love to mow the lawn.

3. I still miss the first house I lived in. A dead end street, my best friend across the street, walking a mile to school, white picket fence, detached garage, and a super cool, pine paneled attic bedroom. I even think being under the airline pathway was pretty neat.

4. My hair is thinning! I hope it's the current chemo (temporary) and not a permanent effect from the last chemo regimen.

5. Until I started pursuing my nursing degree, I had a bad case of wanderlust. I loved any story about leaving "normal" life behind and going on a crazy adventure. Think "Eat, Pray, Love" and "House Hunters International." Now, I still like those stories, but I don't have the desire for a big change anymore.

6. I owned a horse for a couple years. I'm sad because she flogged the horse-craziness out of me. I still appreciate horses, but I have zero fantasies about owning one again. Way too much work. But maybe I'll take riding lessons someday.

7. In college, I spent a lot of time in the yearbook darkroom. Singing Janet Jackson at the top of my lungs. Believing, incorrectly I'm sure, that the room was soundproof!

8. In college, I was almost NOT the student association vice president. I started as secretary (campaigning was a ton of fun, something that pleasantly surprised me), and second semester we had to juggle things around because, due to some low grades (you know, activities over studies), we lost our president. The guys on the council didn't want a girl to be VP, just in case the new pres had to step down - they didn't think a female pres was appropriate.

9. I'm a manicure snob. And I prefer to do it myself.

10. The only carnival game I have any skill with is the shooting game. Consequently, I whooped my husband once, and now he calls me Annie Oakley. We haven't faced off since.

11. I've lost 30 lbs in the last two years!

There you go - now you know "all" my secrets. Or I'd like you to think so. ;)


  1. You should definitely post more niece and nephew pictures :) People don't have to look at them. And beat Mike at shooting again! And yay for the pounds lost!

  2. Love! Btw, i thought u looked thinner on the pictures you have been posting but when i dont get to see you face to face its hard from afar to see that. Congrats! I LOVE kid some more. Remind me to never rob your house!!! :-) lol!!!
