Monday, December 16, 2013

Red Cup vs. Baby Jesus and other weekend tidbits

Finally! A haircut! 

I have to admit, with short hair, I'm a bit paranoid about having middle-aged-lady hair. I want youthful and funky. I think this time I came away on the wrong side of the middle-aged line... my hubby says it's better if I push it back off my forehead. Here are a few options. I have to say, I like the photos better than the mirror, even with the skeptical expressions. What do you think?

I went to the post office. On the Saturday before Christmas. There were about 30 people in line. 

Psst: The self-serve kiosks are the bomb! You can do almost everything there, the line is always shorter, and you don't have to deal with the cranky postal employee at the counter. Then again, maybe I don't want to let you in on this secret, because then my short cut line will be longer...

So - the Red Cup. You know, the Starbucks one that everyone posts on Facebook on November 1st. I got one this weekend:

As someone who spent many years of my life developing and promoting brands, I appreciate Starbucks' innovation and extremely effective brand. But, as someone who doesn't like coffee in any form (not even mocha chip ice cream - really), I don't get the mystique of the red cup. It's just red. What if we were that excited about Baby Jesus? After all, if we weren't celebrating his birthday, we wouldn't have this season and the red cup that comes with it. Just saying...

Other random tidbits from this weekend:

1. I finally opened a box I packed in March. Back then, I was at my annual scrapbooking/crafting weekend with my bffs, and I was making sets of cards to give as Christmas gifts. And THIS year I was going to be done with all my Christmas gifts before Halloween. Well... good intentions, anyway. This weekend is all about finishing those cards. It's crunch time, but I'm having a ball! It's been too long since I've played with paper and glue. Here's a sneak peak. The owls in the canoe make me giggle.

2. Because I was immersed in making cards, I completely forgot about my cancer support group Christmas meeting. Thankfully, one of them texted me to find out where I was. A change of clothes, a powdered nose, and a bowl of clementines later, I was on my way. I love this group - all Christian women, so we process the cancer experience through the filter of a loving, all-powerful God, and the group is a positive, encouraging experience. There are a few who have chosen to focus on naturopathic medicine after their initial traditional treatment. We talked about that a lot this time (well, pretty much every time), so I felt a little strange making this grocery purchase immediately afterward:

Not all for me, I must add! It's a movie-themed gift, a treat for my husband (his request), and my crafting beverage.

3. While making cards, I'm listening to Christmas music. Specifically, a group called The Three Wisemen. They're a local band and include Timothy James Meany; if you were up on contemporary Christian music two or three decades ago, you probably recognize his name. Last year they played at the Christmas dinner I attend every year with a couple friends, and I was hooked. They have beautiful versions of Lo, How A Rose E're Blooming and I Saw Three Ships - I finally know the words and they're lovely! Check them out on or iTunes. 

4. I had Facetime calls with my brother and sister, a traditional call with another sister, all to discuss my Christmas trip to see them. In addition to Christmas, I think there will be Mexican dinners, broomball, and a Sunday Suppers cooking demo. All overshadowed by spending time with my adorable little nieces and nephews. :) And revealing my super-awesome, creative, budget-friendly, sentimental Christmas gift for my family! Can't wait!

5. I also wrestled with my physical therapy. Thanks to cancer, my body is rapidly falling apart. I'm trying not to be grouchy about it, but I'm often unsuccessful. As a result of all the treatments, I have almost 20 PT exercises to stretch or strengthen my beaten body. TWENTY. My compliance is negligible. So I made myself a checklist and divided the list in half. Maybe with gold stars and a lighter load each day, I will actually DO these exercises consistently. You gotta fight hard to regain what's been lost!

And now, I have red potatoes in the crock pot for dinner. It's made a couple strange clicky noises, so I'd better check it out. My husband keeps thinking there's roast beast in the pot, even though I keep saying POTATOES. He might be disappointed when I hand him his dish! Oh well, his health will thank me.

PS He loved the potatoes! If you want to try it, it's just a bit of olive oil, spices, and chunks of potatoes on high for a couple hours.

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