Wednesday, May 20, 2015

End of an Era

I almost titled this post "End of an Experiment."

Because that's what I've been doing for the past seven years: trying different things, with varying levels of success, all in an effort to create a community where a small group of girls can learn more about Jesus, themselves, each other, and how to function well in this crazy world of ours.

Tonight was bittersweet. Our last official meeting. EVER. After seven years of weekly meetings, winter retreats, and summer camps, they are graduating. And I'm planning to go back and pick up another group of sixth grade girls in the fall (stay tuned for my shell-shocked post about THAT next September!).

I'm so excited for them to graduate and go into the world and find their place - and hopefully have great adventures along the way. So tonight was a "launch party." And I think we did a pretty good job of celebrating each other and our time together, and looking forward with hope.

But it was also an ending. These ladies will have a place in my heart and life forever, so it's definitely not a good-bye, but it won't be the same again, and that makes me at least a little melancholy.

As this ending loomed, several panicked thoughts have flown through my mind. Mostly things like, "But we should have talked about...!" Those topics range from proper tipping habits to going over one more time - THIS time certainly most effectively - how much God loves them and what that really means and how it can shape their view of themselves, their circumstances, their world. I can't imagine being a parent - parents must think these thoughts a thousand fold. Or maybe a million fold.

I've been reminding myself over and over that I certainly didn't know everything I needed to know when I graduated from high school. (Although I thought I did!) Nor did I learn everything from a single person. These ladies I've had the privilege of leading are quite outstanding, and they will continue to grow and learn and mature as the years go by and their knowledge and experience grows.

And I will be here, cheering them on as always, just from a different seat.

I am so proud of them, and so blessed to have shared this time with them.

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