Sunday, May 31, 2015

What I Meant to Say Was...

Today was a big day.

Today, the high school ministry at my church had "Graduation Sunday." A service to honor and celebrate the seniors and bid them adieu as they graduate and move on.

My student lifegroup girls are seniors. I've been working with some of them for seven years!

[Seems like I've been calling attention to that seven years since January. Not doing it to brag - although I love the longevity! - but mostly to acknowledge the magnitude of that for me. Not having my own kids, to travel from playdates to real dates, from 11 year old girls to 18 year old women, has been a huge blessing and an amazing privilege. So seven YEARS... WOW.]

It's a big day for them because their world is changing. It's a big day for me because they'll be in my world differently and less consistently.

As senior leaders, we got to record a few minutes of memories and advice for a video that would be played during the service.

We also had the opportunity to contribute photos for a slide show.

I excelled at the slide show contributions. The recording, well, I made a good start.

I encouraged them to keep seeking to understand how much God values them. He values them enough to send His only son to pay the punishment for our sin so we can have a restored relationship with our Creator.

But I didn't explain why.

BECAUSE - if we can begin to grasp what that sacrifice means, we'll understand a little better the enormous love God has for us, and how far He was willing to go to cover our sins. How much He was willing to give to fix our mistakes so we could have a relationship with Him.

AND THEN - if we start to understand how much He loves us and how much He gave to prove it, won't we begin to love and appreciate Him more? When someone does something huge for you, don't you feel closer to them and want to give love back? I have an example (trivial in comparison of course, but you'll get the idea): when I was going through cancer treatment, the people who brought dinner or walked my dog or sent cards and flowers... well, even now, I get emotional thinking about how their small gesture was so helpful and so encouraging to me. Their loving deed increased my love for them and made me feel closer to them and I value their friendship more.

So my theory is: seeking an understanding of how much God loves you will blow your socks off and increase your desire to know, love, and follow Him more and more.

And following Jesus has made me a better person, and made me live and love better. (Loose quotation from Andy Stanley, an Atlanta preacher - I've claimed it because I can't say it better - especially not in so few words!)

The better person part? That means God's done a lot of work in my life, replacing my sins and bad habits with love and light and all the good qualities you see in me. I'm not perfect, just growing.

So, my dear young friends (if you're still with me), keep seeking God because it will make you better in success and victorious in challenges.

I also want to say...

High school guys: thanks for being good friends to my girls. Sure, you weren't perfect and messed up big time once or twice, but once everyone got through those awkward middle school years, it was a joy to see all of you hanging out as a big group.

  • I consider you my friends.
  • Call me for coffee.
  • Send me Christmas cards.
  • Invite me to your college graduation  and house warming parties.
  • Invite me to your weddings and baby showers.
  • Never be shy about calling me - you are permanently etched on my heart - I won't forget you and will always welcome you warmly.
  • I am so proud of you!
  • It has been a privilege to have shared these years with you.
  • I will miss seeing you every week.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Those young women are so blessed to have you in their lives Lynne!
