Friday, March 10, 2017

Super Short!

I met with a new doctor today - as I hoped and expected, I liked her and am going forward with her. What a relief to get that settled!

My blood counts are looking better - my platelets went from 65K on Monday to 115 today! I was expecting around 85-90, so that was a pleasant surprise - thank you for praying for that!

We're going to start again on Tuesday (3/14) and reduce the doses of Carboplatin and Gemzar by 25%. So keep praying for my blood counts to withstand the chemo and for my anti-allergy plan to work with the Carboplatin. I expect 3/14 will be a long day.

Thursday and today I had a lot of energy - even enough to do a little clothes shopping! (The selecting and trying on part of buying clothes is exhausting on so many levels!) So that was a really nice surprise. I might have done too much, though - I'm feeling pretty worn out tonight, but it was worth it.

That's all for now - nothing profound or even mildly interesting, haha! Oh! Except for tonight's adventure - watching a lovely, much-admired young lady get married.

Congratulations, Nick and Megan!

Have a good weekend!

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