Friday, March 31, 2017

This is Getting Old

My oncologist called with my CT results, which are somewhat inconclusive. 

One area we had seen before is smaller, one is larger, there is less fluid floating around (a good thing), and there are a couple enlarged lymph nodes that could be enlarged for many reasons. There is no clear explanation for my pain or nausea. 

Next week I will meet with my surgeon and my oncologist to strategize about next steps, which could include surgery and/or clinical trials. Because one area shrank and one area grew, it's unlikely we will continue with the current chemo regimen.

Thursday night I had more back pain and vomiting that I couldn't get under control at home, just like what had happened on Monday night. When Mike got home from work, he took me to the ED and they admitted me to get a better plan to control my symptoms. We are making progress. I think we have the meds figured out and now we are refining the doses so I don't end up back in this situation again. I will probably go home Saturday. I'm getting great care and horrible food - better than the opposite, that's for sure!

It's felt like a long two months since the CT scan that showed this latest recurrence. We are tired and frustrated and ready for a treatment plan that works. I think there have been more complications and hassles in these last two months than in the past five years, and it's getting old. 

But as always, your loving care and encouragement and prayers buoy us up. Thank you so much for everything you do. Please continue to pray for my blood, particularly my platelets (which have dropped instead of rising since my transfusion on Monday - odd). We would also appreciate your prayers for wisdom and an excellent plan for the next phase of treatment. And that my pain would resolve so I don't need to continue those medications for very long.

Have a good weekend, everyone! I hope you have lovely spring weather wherever you are.

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