Friday, October 25, 2013

Getting Back in the Water

One benefit of cancer is that it forces you to re-evaluate your priorities. Everyone who gets cancer added to their medical history, whatever stage it is, has to process, to some degree or another, the worst case scenario: what if this is what does me in? If you spend some time with that question, you come up with a bucket list of sorts. Things you want to do but don't, because of time or resources or inhibitions.

On my list: swimming.

I absolutely love being in the water. I love feeling surrounded, supported, and able to do things I can't do on land.

But it's been a long time since I was certified as a lifeguard. A lifetime, nearly. At first, I just didn't have access to a pool. And there really isn't any outdoor swimming weather in the Pacific Northwest. My fitness decreased and my weight increased, and getting into a swimsuit, even with my closest friends, no longer seemed appropriate.

Enter cancer. Admittedly, bringing more body changes to increase my inhibitions. But there's a part of me that doesn't care as much anymore. Or at least, I'm trying not to care. Maybe practice makes perfect here. Maybe.

And today: I got in the pool!!!

Walking down the steps, submerging into the chlorinated water, I had no regrets. Bliss! Elation! And the water might be crystal clear, but I felt covered up. Ah, illusion!

I took an "aqua yoga" class. It was so fun. And surprising. Some poses were more difficult than on land, some were easier. Balancing and being grounded is a lot different in the water! Good thing it was slow: finding harmony with the water's resistance and motion in order to achieve each pose took some time. Then I had to remember posture and breathing while maintaining balance and position. It was challenging in the best way, and I'm excited to go back.

Bucket list item: check!

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