Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

If you read my last post, you know I was working on a special costume. Today, it was a hit! I was a little nervous that I might be breaking some unspoken doctor-patient code, so I checked with my sister-in-law (a doctor) to see if dressing up as my oncologist would fly. She gave me the green light, and my doctor was pretty amused. Enough to request a picture - good thing, because I almost forgot!

Today is a full day for me: Bible study, lunch, chemo, my student lifegroup. I'm so thankful  I have the energy for 12 hours of activity! And I'll be thankful I can rest tomorrow afternoon, too. 

Considering my full day, today's post is just a random collection of -ing prompts. How would you complete these words?

Savoring the last dry days of fall.

Finishing with blogging every day this month -- thankfully, just one day to go!

Learning to live with purpose. 

Trying to ignore that, while having lunch with a friend today, the manager thought I was her MOM!!!

Missing my motivation.

Hesitating on getting a job right now. Should I? Shouldn't I? I've decided I'm like a couple who wants to have kids and has stopped birth control but isn't actively trying to conceive. We'll see what happens.

Ingesting deliciously roasted pumpkin seeds that we made last night.

Resolving to embrace MY cancer story: that it's a good story and it's OK to admit that it hasn't been a terrible experience for me.

Thinking there aren't enough hours in the day, even when you're not working.

Feeling disappointed because I have to start taking a blood pressure med. One of my chemo drugs pushes BP up, so my formerly perfect BP now needs medication. :(

Watching the fall leaves outside my window.

Living a full life.

Loving my cancer survivor "reclamation" program at the Y. I'm feeling stronger every week.

Working on being a better cook. And it seems to be working!

Wishing for lots of platelets so I don't "flunk" out of chemotherapy. Last week I generated over 100,000 - a record for me! I believe there must have been lots of people praying for me. :)

Cherishing photos and videos from home, starring my nieces and nephews. They make my day every time.

Anticipating my birthday painting party on Friday night. I can't wait to be creative with friends. 

Thanking God for my student lifegroup - I might show up feeling glum, but by the end of our session, they always cheer me up.

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