Thursday, October 24, 2013

November Warm Up

In my Bible study yesterday morning, we got a little off topic and talked about choosing joy by choosing to praise God in our grumpy moments. One woman gave the example of feeling grouchy about having to drive her kids to school in the morning, but deciding to focus on the blessings inferred by this complaint: a Christian school they're really happy with, the funds to send their kids there.

I strongly believe gratitude is central to being contented and joyful in our daily lives. So it's no surprise that I LOVE Thanksgiving, and I love silly things like the Facebook challenge to post something you're thankful for every day in November.

These days, as my treatment presents me with physical challenges, it's easy to get wrapped up in my aches and limitations. I am fighting back against my frustrations by counting 10 things I'm thankful for today.

1) Sunshine breaking through the fog.

2) The Livestrong program at the YMCA. FREE membership for 12 weeks, a fun group of survivors, and two great trainers to guide us from cancer-ravaged to reclaiming strength and endurance.

3) A nearby dog park, a dear friend who's free when I am, a puppy playdate with Rayna's best friend. A happy, tired dog.

4) Project Runway! Last week, I was sad to see the season finale, only to discover that THIS week - right away! - they're starting an All Stars season. Whoo-hoo!

5) Silly Halloween decorations and deliciously scented fall candles.

6) A super cute fleece jacket at Target for only $10!

7) Puddles of florescent red and orange leaves on the sidewalk.

8) My siblings: one had a successful surgery yesterday, one is exploring Japan right now, the other is nobly tackling an unnecessary challenge created by others. I am so proud of them all and love them so much.

9) A doctor and nurses I really enjoy - makes it almost fun to visit the doctor. Almost.

10) My husband, because my cancer has brought out the best in him, and he's an amazing support in a multitude of ways. Our relationship is better than ever.

How about you? What are some of your blessings today?

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