Monday, October 21, 2013

Sometimes, Facebook is my Therapist

Aha! I feel vindicated for my greater-than-usual fatigue over the weekend. I had my weekly blood draw this afternoon to see how I'm standing up to chemo (or not, in some cases), and my hematocrit is only 30. Hematocrit is the percentage of your blood that is oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Normal for women starts at 38, and with treatment I'm usually hovering around 36. So dipping down to 30 means I have about 25% fewer oxygen-carriers coursing through my body than most of you. Since demand is outpacing supply. I'm tired. Not wimpy or lazy.

Just for fun, I LOVE RBCs (red blood cells). Under a high powered microscope, they look like velvet pillows.

(Image from

After I posted about being worn out last night, I browsed Facebook, and my sister had posted a link to Mandisa's song "Overcomer." (Remember Mandisa from American Idol? The one Simon said was too overweight to have any appeal to the masses? The one who now has a successful career as a Christian recording artist and hangs out with other cool artists like TobyMac?)

That song was exactly what I needed to hear last night.  She sings, "Whatever it is you may be going through, I know He's not going to let it get the best of you," and "You're not going under 'cause God is holding you right now. You might be down for a moment, feeling like it's hopeless, that when He reminds you: you're an overcomer!"

And the video... it showcases celebrities who have overcome cancer and other medical crises, so I cried therapeutic tears all the way through.

As if that wasn't enough encouragement, another friend posted a link to the backstory on the classic hymn "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus." Confession: I've always thought of this hymn as overly syrupy. I mean, the title includes "So Sweet." But cancer changes your perspective, and as of last night I think comfort and peace when I hear "sweet," rather than a sugar overload. 

My worn soul and anemic body were refreshed while I revisited the lyrics, especially "How I trust Him; how I've proved Him o'er and o'er." Maybe because I grew up with them, but I love the poetic old language hymns come in. And I was reminded how many difficult things God has seen me through in the past - He's proven Himself over and over, and will be faithful to get me through this as well.

I'm still tired, but I'm happy to say that my soul and optimism was renewed last night, thanks to Facebook.

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