Sunday, October 6, 2013

DebB, This One's For You!

I love that my hair came back with some curl in it! I tried making it "fluffier" here... and it occurred to me that, with the right product, I could have a Flock of Seagulls 'do before this is all over.

I have this crazy idea to blog more - as in, participate in a DAILY challenge for October. I love to write, but I hate to sit at the computer - especially while these warm Indian Summer days roll through my rainy town. But I'm also taking a series of writing workshops this month, so this is the month to be more prolific.

I looked up blog challenges - it appears that writing more is fueled by the desire to get more hits on your blog. Pursue fame and all. Not my goal. I just want to have fun, and hopefully encourage and entertain a few people.

So if my daily posts are too much for you, feel free not to read them all. I'll try to keep them shorter. TRY. :)

Today's topic: Share a high school memory you'll never forget.

Ah, high school. After much analysis, I've decided I was the Invisible Girl in high school. I had my handful of friends, but mostly I made it through without being noticed - for better or worse. At church and at camp I was more of a leader, but in my big high school (there were about 650 in my graduating class), I was nobody special.

Since all my teens are buzzing about homecoming now, I'll share my prom memory. 

As the Invisible Girl, I lacked proper fashion sense and any flirting skills. My romantic prospects were limited... OK, non-existent. And I had no budget for a dress. So, lacking invitation and funds, I decided to ditch the dance - somewhat defiant, somewhat wise, considering this white girl can't dance.

Instead, my best friend (from another school) and I went out to dinner. No dressing up. Just a run-of-the-mill restaurant. We brought silly little props like mini gold champagne glasses and red carnations. Our waiter was handsome and gracious enough to flirt with us. :) We didn't have stars in our eyes or corsages on our wrists, but, as always, we laughed all night and decided we had WAY more fun than most people at the dance. There wasn't any pressure to make this "The Time of Our Lives" or whatever cheesy theme they had that night.

(Why do high school dances always have the cheesiest themes? Isn't "Under the Sea" a little overused? Teens are supposed to be innovative and exploratory! One of our local schools used The Great Gatsby as their homecoming theme this year - that's more like it! It's educated, sophisticated, and inspires great outfits.)

Now, several unattended class reunions later, I have lost all contact with my high school friends. I can't even find them on Facebook - NONE of them. Makes me wonder if Invisible Girl had invisible friends! However, I still see my best friend at least once a year even though we live far apart, so ditching prom to hang out with her was the best decision. <3


  1. Wow - I had forgotten that one - thanks for reminding me! And agreed - I think we made the right decision... :) If this monthly blog goes well I think you should consider participating in NaNoWriMo - take the month of November and attempt to write a book! I know I'd read it :) Love more than all the punctuation on every blog post ever written - DebB

  2. Love your hair and memories Lynne!
