Monday, October 28, 2013

Saying Yes When You Want to Say No

Things I've learned by attempting to blog daily:

1) That's a lot of "me" - too much for me!
2) It takes a lot of time.
3) I'm not that inspired.

Even though I only made this commitment to myself, I want to follow through, so I'm going to keep trying the daily thing for the rest of the month. Hopefully inspiration will strike soon or it could be a dull week.

Today, I want to point you to another blog:

Megan in Nepal

Megan is a really awesome girl who is spending a year as a missionary in Nepal. I knew her before she had her driver's license and I was her transportation to and from my small group from church - she and her best friend were the babysitters for all the kids.

(Here's a little conundrum I have: I consider several 20-somethings my friends, but I'm almost old enough to be their mom... I don't feel like there's nearly a generation between us, but I wonder what they think!)

Megan has also been the pet sitter of choice for us and several friends. Before she left on her trip, she was watching one of Rayna's BFFs, so we took the dogs to the park a few times. That gave me lots of time to find out about her trip to Nepal. The coolest thing I learned?

She didn't want to go.

It wasn't even her idea in the first place, but she prayed about it and felt God wanted her to go, even though it pushed her way outside of her comfort zone.

I was excited to follow her trip before I knew this. NOW I'm even more excited!

I have another friend who told me God doesn't need talent, just willing hands. (This was when I was joking about being part of the "Meals of Love" program at our church - I can't cook, but I can chop veggies and grate cheese, so I always brought people a taco salad bar. Personally, I think it's the perfect offering because it's so flexible and customizable.)

So I can't wait to see how God uses Megan's willing hands and heart in the coming year. She's already inspiring me!

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